Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Response Question- SECTION 1- pages 1-53

Describe the dentist that George meets and the influence this man has on the young boy’s life. Has anyone in your life influenced you in this way?


  1. Patrick Boland11/17/2010 11:15 PM

    He was a good man who informed George of the dentist's job. Telling him about the tools and how to count the teeth in vertain ways. Even though he never seen that man again, George was inspired by him. I was also affected this way by my cousin. He was in Iraq, inlisted in the U.S. Army. He inspired me by his hardships and the strenght he now has. I plan on joining the miltary when I am older.

  2. The trip to the dentist change George's life. George said "He(dentist) gave me a dream." It started from a curiosity then develop into ambition or aspiration.
    My mother have the same approached, she influenced me through curiosity. When I was younger, she would take me to a hospital to get my immunization. I was flabbergasted, walking through the hall, seeing various unique tools. And I would ask my mother to explain what is this bizarre tool's function. She would explain it through entertaining stories, and all of the sudden I was curious!

  3. This is a comment to Patrick Boland.

    I agree with you, the dentist had a huge influence in George life. Although George did not remember his name, he impacted him robustly. Since you mentioned the characteristic your cousin possess. It seems that he is a respectable and decorous person. I hope you continue pursuing you ambition. :)

  4. Anthony Suom11/18/2010 9:20 AM

    George was influenced by the dentist, when the dentist told him about his job,and what goes on in his job. He inspired by him to become a doctor. I was influenced by my mom because every person in my family has been influenced by bad people or bad groups and they are drop outs of high school and now have a hard life.

  5. Frank Sandefur11/18/2010 9:21 AM

    The dentist was a good man who was not impatient with George when he was curious about the tools the dentist uses. This man gave George a dream and was a big influence on George's life even though George never saw him again. My brother has always been an influence on my life, because he is hardworking and never gives up. I have always looked up to him and he has always looked at for me. He is a great person and has great traits. He has inspired me so much.

  6. When George went to the dentist and the dentist was talking to him, it made George think about what he wanted to be in life. The dentist was teaching George about the denital tools, which made George have a disire of becoming a dentist.
    My mom has influenced me in many ways. She always told me to become what I enjoyed doing. If I told my mother that I wanted to become something, she would help me purse my dream.

  7. The dentist that George came across was very influential in his life because during his dentist appointment his curiosity was in overdrive and had won the dentist over. They played a little game where he was quizzed about the tools being used, number of teeth, and how to count and classify them. Ever since that appointment he had left excited and had dreams of becoming a dentist, which he fulfilled because his career is now as a dentist. I can imagine how George felt that day because I'm influenced by many on a daily basis, such as my mother she influences me to do things I doubt myself of doing. Last, my father does as well he encourages me to complete high school to further my education especially since he had that opportunity.

  8. I agree with you both Ryan & Patrick. To my opinion people can influence us in a good way and/or in a bad way. This dentist is an inspiration to George, he has set an example by just teaching George the things he was curious about. Lots of people had been an inpiration to me and are an inspiration for me. Not to mention that ourselves can be an inspiration and can set good examples for others to follow. I admire my dad, he's one the person who I think is pretty wise knowing the long run experiences he had gone through. He's a caring, loving dad who somehow had influenced me through out my life, who somehow made me who I am today. I'm greatfull for the people in my life.

  9. The Dentist that George met changed his life. He influenced George to be a Dentist, and with George's curiosity he was able to learn new things just in his first visit.
    There are so many people that has influenced me in life, and there are so many roles I want to be involved in when I grew up.There many amazing things that people do. As doctors, lawyers, police officers, etc. They influenced me to be a great person for the society, and to help as much people as possible, and also to be a better person. Reading this book encourage me to work even harder, because if they can go through a hard life and still be very successful, I can too.

  10. Yes I agree with you,Ryan that the dentist did indeed have an huge impact on him. When George went to the dentist he was so infatuated sorta speak and very interested in what certain tools you use and the names and numbers of teeth.

    Yes, my eight grade science teacher influenced me greatly, he got me to appreciate science and all the fields that go into it. Furthermore he help me make my decision of what I want to do in life and what field I want to go in.

    A second person that influenced me was my eight grade history teacher. She taught all of my former classmates and me that u can do anything as long as u have determination and work hard.

  11. When George had alot of seriously crooked teeth at age 11, his mother took him to Newark to get braces. George was influenced by his dentist when the he taught him many things about the tools and count the teeth. His dentist has inspired him to become a dentist. No one has influenced my life to become a dentist.

  12. I agree with Aiyanna's comment. If there are two people I can automatically say influenced me is my parents. I may not have an idea of what i want to be just yet, but they always help me along the path to the perfect career. some people may have others certain person who influence them, but our parents are always our biggest influence in our life.

  13. @Aiyana Yes,I agree with you with this question because when you are a child you always needs someone to encourage you so that you can keep going in life.In the book the dentist did that for George.The dentist seen something in George that made him reach out to him and encouage him to be focused. I too have a person that builds me up and helps me throughout my life and that is my mom.:)

  14. Taylor Crawford11/18/2010 10:46 AM

    I agree with both Ryan and Patrick. George was lucky enough to have someone to inspire him at such a young age. Because of this, he was able prepare himself to work hard to become like his mentor. The one person in my life that inspires me is my grandmother. She has worked all her life and never quit even when she was tired. Now, all her hard work has paid off and she is now a amazing social worker helping everyone she can.

  15. When George goes to the dentist to get his teeth worked on, he's very curious as to what the tools are and how they are used. Not only does his dentist explain the tools and their functions, he also taught him about names and numbers of teeth, and how to classify and count them. The dentist's enthusiasm encouraged George to become a dentist one day. One of my mentors helped me in this way but she isn't actually in the field that I want to go into. She gives advice and finds answers for me.

  16. The Dentist that George meets is very helpful and inspires George to become a dentist. I think that it was very nice of him to take time and show George the tools that he was going to use and how to count and classify his teeth. This inspires George to stay in school and continue on in becoming a dentist when he is older. Someone has also inspirited me in a similar way because my mom and dad did not go to college it urges me to go and become successful in life.

  17. The dentist that George met during his appointment in his childhood changed his life, George was a kid full of curiosity who was at that point, very much interested in learning about the dentist tools. In the beginning of the appointment, George couldn’t stop asking the dentist what the tools are called, and then the dentist followed by telling him what they are and what the function are, beside that, the dentist also told him other interesting facts about teeth. Since that point on, George always wanted to be a dentist, and like what he said on the book: “This man gave me a dream,” the dentist inspired him to be what he is right now.
    I was also influenced by mother, ever since I was little, she’d always tell me how successful I’d be if I choose medical as my career in the future. I’ve always said no, but as I grew older she’s always encouraging me, and it has become an inspiration to me.

  18. George's trip to the dentist proved to be an inspiring one. The Dentist was very impressed by his curiosity, so he told George the name of his tools and their purpose. Learning these tools inspired George to become a future dentist. George couldn't wait until his next trip back to the dentist. This was one of the inspiring figures in his life, and i am sure lots of people have them in our lives.

  19. @Yaniee & Alex, You guys forgot to say that I influence you and build you up. Lol :) But on a serious note, I agree with both of you. My parents help me want to pursue a successful career as well. You guys influence me, also. It's good to have friends that want to go places in life and want you to go far, as well. We help each other out when necessary, and make sure each other grades are up! :)

  20. Lexi Cavaliere11/18/2010 10:56 AM


    I agree with you because when George went to the dentist he was so eager to learn about teeth and even in that short time the dentist taught him as much as he could and inspired him to want to become a dentist . I also think it's really cool that you look up to your brother. What brother exactly though ? Would it be Mike or John? Just curious . lol

  21. I agree with Aiyana H because George's curiosity not only influenced himself, it also influenced his dentist. When the dentist played the quiz game with George, it shows George how much fun learning about dentistry could be. It also showed George that he had interest in becoming a dentist so he was inspired to become a dentist one day.

  22. I agree with Elizabeth because that doctor did change his life forever. He is the person who ultimately inspired him to become a Dentist and he was inspired at a reasonably young age. When I read this, I think about the people that inspire me to do what I want too. So think of my dad thank him for inspiring me to do good and be successful. :)

  23. @Frank

    I agree with you because the dentist was eager to teach George about what he knows about his profession. This act inspire George to have a dream or goal to accomplish. It is great to have people in your life to look up to because it sets your life in the right path so you can accomplish your goals.

  24. @Deion
    I like how you said the dentist inspired George to become a dentist, that visiting the dentist would influence him to become one someday. I believe that if George look back throughout his life time, he might think that his visit to the dentist might be the turning point in his life, because the dentist has made a big impact in his future.
